Le GFR fête ses 60 ans à Marseille

October 22 to 25, 2024

Important dates:

Submission deadline: May 30th
Notification of acceptance: July 15th
Inscriptions close: September 15th


The GFR (Groupe Français de Rhéologie) celebrates its 60th anniversary with a conference to be held in Marseille from October 22 to 25, 2024. Covering rheology in its broadest sense, this conference is intended to be very open and multidisciplinary: from foams, gels, suspensions and granular media, to the rheology at/with interfaces, food rheology, all the way to living fluids and geophysical systems.

Our intent is to bring together several communities currently very active in France. Firstly, those working on biological fluids and tissues, where rheology and mechanical constraints are becoming increasingly important, as for instance in tissue morphogenesis to better understand embryonic development and cell differentiation. Then, the community devoted to geo-physical fluids where the investigated media are often very complex and require appropriate descriptions. Finally, the granular media and dense suspensions community, where significant progress has been made over the last ten years, in particular through the study of the effect of how micro-interactions (friction, adhesion, entanglement) affect the rheological behavior of these systems — A great opportunity to gather and share our latest advances, both fundamental and technical, in these highly varied fields of research.

Four scientists are invited to give a plenary lecture, including the winner of the Maurice Couette Prize. The congress will be organized around five thematic sessions, a poster session and an exhibition of scientific instruments.

Invited speakers

Oryaelle Chevrel (LMV, IRD)
Olivier Pouliquen (IUSTI, CNRS)
Sham Tlili (IBDM, CNRS)

Organizing Committee

Bloen Metzger (IUSTI Marseille)
Laurence Bergougnoux (IUSTI Marseille)
Olivier Pouliquen (IUSTI Marseille)
Francesco M. Rocha (IUSTI Marseille)
Sham Tlili (IBDM Marseille)
Simon Gsell (IRPHE Marseille)
Laurine Tiran (IUSTI Marseille)
Romain Castellani (Mines Paris-PSL)

Thematic sessions and scientific committee

S1/ Rheology of biological fluids and tissues
S. Gsell (IRPHE Marseille), S. Tlili (IBDM, Marseille)

S2/ Granular media and dense suspensions: from micro (friction/adhesion/entanglement) to rheology
F. M. Rocha, L. Bergougnoux, Y. Forterre (IUSTI Marseille)

S3/ Rheology of geo-physical fluids
(earth, snow, glacier, mud, magma, ice caps)

A. Bougouin (IUSTI Marseille), J. A. Olive (ENS Paris), G. Chambon (INRAE Grenoble)

S4/ Gels, polymers, foams and rheology at/with interfaces
L. Domino, H. Lhuissier (IUSTI Marseille)

S5/ Food rheology
M. Ramaioli (INRAe Paris), L. Ramos (L2C Montpelier)


You can download the detailed schedule, selected talks and posters, clicking the buttons below

The conference (23-25th of October) will take place in amphi Gastaut in the Jardin du Pharo in Marseille.
It is preceded by a day of lectures (22st of October) at IUSTI Laboratory.

Invited Speakers

Oryaelle Chevrel (LMV, IRD)

In-situ viscosity measurements of active lava
Collaborators: M.A. Harris, S. Kolzenburg, T. Latchimy, J.T. Parsons, R. Delpoux, L. Batier, M. Payet-Clerc, T. Thordarson, A. Höskuldsson, W.M. Moreland, I. Sonder

Olivier Pouliquen (IUSTI, CNRS)

How a pinch of polymer in a granular medium dramatically modifies the rheology

Sham Tlili (IBDM, CNRS)


This day will consist of 3 lectures summing-up the progresses made over the last 10 years in the description of dense granular suspensions. Particular focus will be made on the role of microscopic interactions between particles (friction, adhesion, repulsive forces, …), underlining their primary importance in determining the macroscopic rheological behavior of these systems.

Jean Comtet (CNRS, ESPCI Paris)
Microscopic characterization and formulation of solid interfaces

Francisco Melo da Rocha (IUSTI, Marseille)
Macroscopic rheological behavior of dense granular suspensions from microscopic considerations

François Peters (InPhyNi, Nice)
Numerical simulations of dense granular suspensions

The day of Lectures will take place at Laboratory IUSTI, Technopole de Chateau Gombert, 5 rue Enrico Fermi, 13453 Marseille.

Access (count 35 minutes from Vieux port):
Take Metro 1 until terminus La Rose,
Take bus B3B until the third stop Polytech Marseille.
The laboratory IUSTI is across the street from the bus stop (follow the signs).

Useful informations

Hotel list:

Sofitel ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
36 boulevard Charles Livon, 13007 Marseille
Novotel Vieux Port ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
36 boulevard Charles Livon, 13007 Marseille
Radisson Blu ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
38-40 Quai De Rive Neuve, 13007 Marseille
Hotel BelleVue ☆ ☆ ☆
34 Quai du Port, 13002 Marseille
Hotel Carré Vieux Port ☆ ☆ ☆
6 rue Beauvau, quartier vieux port, 13001 Marseille
Ibis Budget ☆ ☆
46 rue Sainte, 13001 Marseille

Restaurant list:

La Passerelle
52 Rue Plan Fourmiguier, 13007 Marseille
(nice garden)
Le Vesuvio
33 Rue Decazes, 13007 Marseille
(authentic Napolitan restaurant)
Pizza et Fizze
153 Rue Sainte, 13007 Marseille
Chez Lilin
22 Rue Sainte, 13001 Marseille
1 Rue du Musée, 13001 Marseille






Abstract must be submitted using these templates (Word or LaTeX) to the following email address

Presentations can be given in French, however we recommend the use of English given the potential large number of non-French-speaking participants. Slides should be in English.

We encourage payment by credit card, which makes it easier for us to manage your order.
For those who cannot use this method of payment, please contact us directly at gfr2024-contact@univ-amu.fr.

Important: Although we use the platform azur-colloque, financial management is provided by the University of Aix Marseille. Credit card payments from CNRS laboratories are thus possible.


Congress registration includes access to the first day of lectures, the conference, exhibitor stands, coffee breaks, lunches and gala dinner.
(Accommodation and housing are not included).

Until July 19th After July 19th
Students & Post-doc GFR members 220 € 250 €
Senior GFR members 340 € 370 €
Non GFR members 440 € 470 €
Sponsors 1440 € 1500 €